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Bedroom Suites

We have a wide range of entire bedroom suites available on display in our Melbourne Showrooms located in Dandenong and Nunawading. If you interested in taking a look at our Showrooms we're open 9:00AM - 5:30PM on week days and 10:00AM to 5:00PM on weekends.

If you need help choosing a bedroom suite - have a read of our guide on how to choose the a bedroom suite that suits your needs.

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How to choose the perfect bedroom suite

Choosing a bedroom suite is not an easy task as there are a lot of things to consider. Here are some key elements to think about when choosing an appropriate bedroom suite:
  1. How big is my bedroom?
  2. Can I fit a 4 piece or 5 piece suite?
  3. What colour is my bedroom?
  4. What flooring do I have? Do I want that to complement my bedroom.

Some of our most popular bedroom suites are following:
  • River Bedroom Suite – The River bedroom suite is sleek and modern, with a standout feature being the extended bed head.
  • Grange Suite –  The Grange Range is crafted from stunning Tasmanian Blackwood which highlights the natural warm variations of the wood grain.
  • Lofty Suite –  The Lofty bed is stylish and practical, with 2 large drawers at the end of the bed for additional storage.

bedroom suite with personalised image

What is a bedroom suite?

You’re probably wondering what a bedroom suite is, and it is common actual to ask what it actually includes. Based on homesteady – A bedroom suite is simply a set of matching or coordinated bedroom furniture, for example, a bed, dresser, chest of drawers and a nightstand. We have all the pieces you need to put together a perfect bedroom suite. There is really no minimum or maxiumum or exact set of items required to establish a bedroom suite. What’s important is having enough pieces to suit your living needs and requirements. For example not every bedroom needs a tallboy if you have adequate storage in your

How can you improve your bedroom with a bedroom suite?

Wanting your bedroom to look at its absolute best is understandable. This is where you will spend a lot of your time, and not all of that is sleeping. So, you want to have a place where you can feel comfortable and secure, resting, reading, writing, or snuggling with that particular person in your life. To make this the ideal location, you want to create the perfect bedroom suite. Any bedroom suites start by creating a look, feel, and level of comfort that makes it a spot where you enjoy being. This is the ultimate sanctuary, and so you want to make it the perfect place for you. Here is what goes into choosing to create the perfect bedroom suite. If you need some ideas, we’ve put together 5 of the most popular master bedroom suite ideas.  We go through some of the key elements that would really make a master bedroom look amazing through using a suite.

How do we style a bedroom suite?

Bedroom Suites One of the most important places to begin is to make this about you. If you are married, you clearly cannot have the room entirely about you, but you wanted your sense of style. Your sense of flair. Your sense of comfort. This starts by choosing colours, designs, pictures, and furniture that best suit you. If you are a person who likes a more functional room, then maybe you do not need a large headboard, splashy colours, or other decor. However, if you are someone who prefers a more exotic kind of look, then choose things that appeal to you. To make this determination, start by thinking about the kind of person you are or the kind of couple you are. Let this room be a place where you both feel comfortable together, and that really represents you.

Start with the Things You Need

Before choosing paintings, carpeting, and other things of this nature, select items that are absolutely necessary for your bedroom, what you want to do is build around these items, so choose the best you want, if you wish to end tables, a dresser, or other things you consider to be necessary for you. The rest of the things you want in your bedroom suite will fall into place after selecting the items you consider essential. So, for example, if you absolutely wish for a king-size bed with a small headboard, this is an excellent place to begin. Then, choose nightstands, a dresser, and other items that match that king-sized bed. Then work to such things as comforters, paintings, mirrors, and the like.

Paintings and Pictures

One of the most important parts of making a bedroom suite is the items on the wall. This sounds ridiculous to some, but what separates any suit is what is displayed. This goes beyond wallpaper or panelling and is about the paintings and pictures you choose. Many people choose pictures of family and friends. Couples may have their children, wedding pictures, or other close family members displayed on their walls. That is perfectly fine. You want things that represent you. However, do not be afraid to go bigger. Look for paintings that you find to be extraordinary. If you have never had a portrait done of you and your spouse, consider having one done. This is a spectacular showpiece that really depicts the beauty of your relationship. If you and your partner love to travel, consider getting paintings of places he would both love to visit or have visited together. Make this a place that really stands out to you. This can be true of other types of artworks. Statutes and other knickknacks can be displayed in such a beautiful way to make your bedroom look spectacular. Plus, you do not have to spend a lot of money to get these pieces. What you can see is that it does not take much to turn your bedroom into a bedroom suite. This turns the ordinary into the spectacular.